Terms of Agreement

  1. A minimum deposit of $100.00 is required to bind terms. Payments are payable to Tommy L
  2. Any deposit received is non-refundable.
  3. Parties entering into this contract are permanently bound to fulfill the obligations by this
  4. In the event that DJ TOMMY “STYLEZ” becomes unable to provide his services due to
    complications on his end, a reputable replacement shall be provided at no more than the
    original price agreed on or the deposit will be refunded.
  5. Any and all information or details must be communicated before the 5 days preceding the
  6. DJ TOMMY “STYLEZ” shall not be held liable for any action arising from or in connection
    with any individuals not directly affiliated with Hollywood DMV Entertainment.
    Furthermore, the party(s) contacting Hollywood DMV Entertainment agrees to assume
    full responsibility for any and all damages caused by themselves or their guests involving
    any of DJ TOMMY “STYLEZ” property/equipment.
  7. The parties purchasing the services of Hollywood DMV Entertainment agree to allow
    Hollywood DMV Entertainment to use pictures and video images taken at this event for
    promotional purposes. (confirm below)
  8. DJ Tommy Stylez will not provide service or continue service if there is inclement
    weather. So please monitor the weather based on the date you choose for your event.

  9. I understand the terms and conditions described herein and will abide by them.